In the dance of life, I've found the one,

Harmony between heart and mind, newly spun.

Yet fear lingers, a specter from the past,

Cautionary whispers, memories cast.

Undeterred, I tread towards her embrace,

Risking the shadows for love to grace.

She, a treasure sought in moments rare,

A balm for wounds, a breath of fresh air.

In the echoes of history, where pain resides,

I still insist, where destiny abides.

For in her, I glimpse a sanctuary,

A haven where love blooms, a harmonious symphony.

Amid uncertainties, she stands strong,

A beacon of joy where I truly belong.

She completes me with laughter and grace,

In her presence, I find my happy place.

Destiny, with wisdom, orchestrated the scene,

Uniting us, a tale unforeseen.

In her arms, I discover the home I seek,

A haven where love's language we eloquently speak.

Burton D'poet


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