I met her again


She came around 

In astonishment, I strutted 

Anxious but still can't speculate 

That I was glimpsing at her 

The one that once occupied my heart 

 One I wouldn't go a day without My mind reckoning about

Became conscious one day and she was no more 

Felt like it was the demise then 

Whimpered in distress of what I felt for her 

I sobbed cause she never confided in me 

Whether she felt the same way too 

Vowed to tell me after our last paper 

I remember it was UACE but lack wasn't my story 

As I never earned an opportunity to see her again 

Recall actually the times 

Moments we crouched next to each other in class 

But it was all in vain as I couldn't have that again 

I was hurt beyond repair 

In that felt like that was the last time

Last time I would love again 

With tears receding from my eyes 

I saw my world tumble 

Existence became ridiculous 

As I swore never to love again like I had done 

Life went on but not as delightful as it was 

Nonetheless, I had to move on 

Being that i had a lot i intended to achieve

Days came to be weeks and forthwith months to years 

Yearns of ever seeing my sweetest of soul 

Subsiding away slowly but sure 

Never renounced hope though at moments it would seem impossible 

As good as the Lord is 

A handful of years down the road 

I obtained her number from an ob who had come upon her earlier

On checking on her 

The voice still pure as it used to be 

Smile so soothing 

In short still the exact queen of my heart 

That I preferred to love

I felt like I had glimpsed at a miracle 

Precisely, it was a blessing in disguise

And she hugged me I froze 

I felt like I existed not anymore

Tears of joy oozing 

Like I had won a trophy after a lengthy battle 

My misplaced gem had been found 

This time never to be misplaced 

But to be maintained eternally 

And that's how

I met her again


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