In the embrace of a person, I find my home,

A haven of love, where my heart finds its own.

Not in bricks and mortar or walls built high,

But in a soul who lifts me to the sky.

A guiding light, they show me my true worth,

Correcting my path when I stumble on this Earth.

A refuge of peace, amidst life's stormy sea,

They listen, console me, and set my spirit free.

Together we pray, sharing the burdens we bear,

In unity, our souls are connected with care.

With unwavering support, they stand by my side,

In every joy and sorrow, they're my eternal guide.

Yes, home is a person, a sanctuary of grace,

A cherished bond, no distance can erase.

In the warmth of their love, I'm forever at ease,

For in their heart's embrace, my soul finds peace.

  ©Burton D'poet


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