Redemption's Embrace: The Love of Jesus

In a world plagued by injustice's sway,

With no escape, no aid along the way,

I found myself trapped, unjustly accused,

No solace, no refuge, feeling abused.

"Who shall I turn to?" I whispered in despair,

Seemingly hopeless, burdened beyond repair,

The law, once my shield, failed to protect,

Leaving me bewildered, feeling circumspect.

But then, a savior emerged, my beacon of light,

To represent me, he stepped into the fight,

He bore the blame for the deeds I had done,

In my ear, he whispered, "Victory is won."

From that moment on, I walk blameless and free,

For my debts were paid by this man on the cross,

Suffering greatly, he took my rightful place,

Nailed to the cross, he embraced my disgrace.

This man, unknown to me, selflessly bore,

The weight of my sins, my guilt, and more,

Scorned and rejected, solely because of my name,

He left heavenly glory, to earth, he came.

In my stead, he perished, his love unyielding,

Became sin, so I may find righteousness appealing,

The cross he embraced, the ultimate price,

For my redemption, he made the sacrifice.

This man, Jesus, his love knows no bounds,

In the vast universe, his name will resound,

With everlasting love, he has blessed my days,

As coheir with him, on the throne, I'll always praise.

This is the man of whom I proudly speak,

Jesus, the one whose love makes us potent,

Let his unfathomable love ignite your soul,

With gratitude and worship, let your heart be whole.

   Burton D'poet


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