Rested in the closet of the room 

Lonely and resigned in the bloom 

Feeling sore hurt but none to speak to 

Finding solace in symphony 

I plug in earphones in my phone 

My heart bleeding terribly 

Sniveling are my stares 

Attempting to conceal it but it's totally tough 

Reassuring myself that 

That am not the only one handling this 

"Yell but don't yell" I advise myself 

"Cry but men don't cry" I still comfort 

Before I know it am wailing out so greatly

It doesn't take long and am back to natural 

But genuinely I know am all alone.

Fears feel my skull 

Asking myself "Does anyone care that you're hurting"

Retorting to myself "Nobody does, so just perish alone sir" 

A whisper out of the blue "you are not alone,  am always with you"

My sanity "am I getting crazy or am I having hallucinations" 

A whisper again " fear not am here with you"

Veering around I see and feel levity 

But a cool breeze around me 

Baffled on whether am becoming crazy or I am heeding to someone 

Screeching on top of my mouthpiece I mumble, 

"I don't recognize who you are but disclose yourself"

An enormous voice verberates " it is me your friend"

"Speak to me am here for you" 

"I know you're scarred but rest in me" 

The sweetness of the voice and life it gave 

I could resist not but weep all my pain out 

He listened and instructed me out of it 

Gripped me always when I was about to subside 

Never ever judged me 

Put up with me all the time even when I went awry 

Instructed me in love in a whole new dimension

Came to be the bestest of friends I ever amassed 

Only then I got to learn we are never alone 

We invariably have the friend and comforter 

However on a limited occurrences we heed to him 

Nevertheless he still sticks around 

He is the Holy Spirit.

Always around for you wishing to be your friend 

Will you listen to him and let him in 

We Are never alone!


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